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"Maybe" and The Gift Is Yours...
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Worth Of 'PURE' Tech Career Accelerating Information For FREE (Just For Saying 'Maybe'!)
Plus, when you say "maybe" and test-drive Tech Career Accelerator for a full 30 days, you'll also receive a subscription to our CIO's Short Report Newsletter... completely FREE!
I can't stress how incredible this combo offer is - it might just be the two best Tech Career Acceleration resources in the world!
Think about it - you get the Tech Career Accelerator Membership, which teaches you timeless career advancement principles, strategies, and techniques for earning respect and gaining appreciation at every level of your organization... you can END the frustration you've been struggling with...Now, you'll be positioned to win opportunities and gain the respect, appreciation, and the compensation you deserve!
That's not all! You also get our CIO's Short Report Newsletter where each month I show you how Tech Pros just like you are rapidly changing their career trajectory, delivering more value, and earning the respect and appreciation they deserve.
I've dedicated my career to identifying and cataloging what works and what doesn't work for rapid Tech Career advancement. Observation, investigation, research, and even my own trial and error for more than 2-decades has revealed THE TRUTH about career advancement in IT organizations...regardless of the size of the organization, the industry you serve, your technical prowess (or lack of...), your years of experience, or the crummy boss you work for! l show you what’s working, what's not working, and why, so that your precious time and effort NEVER goes to waste again!
The Tech Career Accelerator Success Path is the ONLY success path of its kind, specifically designed to strengthen our members' knowledge, insight, and application of the four pillars: Mindset, Value, Purpose, and Learning.
The Tech Career Accelerator offers you a once in a lifetime opportunity to be the fly on the wall and hear straight from the CIO the "WHAT, HOW and WHY" that drives the hard decisions. You'll get real conversation about what went right, what went wrong, and why. But, most importantly, you’ll get the opportunity to Dive Deep Into The Tech Career Fast Track without the trial and error, and without taking 20+ years to earn the experience by yourself!!
The Short Report is published for one simple reason: to communicate the most important and valuable Career Accelerating Secrets for Tech Pros in a quick and easy-to-ready style that makes implementation a breeze so you can reap the benefits FAST!
The Short Report is designed for the Tech Pro that strives every day to grow professionally, deliver more value, earn the respect and appreciation they deserve, and ACCELERATE their career!
Our Monthly Mastermind Training sessions tackle the hard questions and deep topics that matter the most to Tech Career Acceleration.
Once each month, we do a deep dive on topics like: Getting The Right Kind of Attention; Understanding Your Real Value; How To Stand Out Without Drawing Attention To Yourself; How To Stay Motivated In Challenging Times.
So, you say you enjoy learning. The fact is that you probably do enjoy it, but what are you learning exactly? In this workshop you'll explore "how to learn what to learn." You’ll learn critical strategies for determining what to learn and how much time to commit to it. You’ll learn how to get the most return from your learning investment.
Topics Include:
This toolkit will give you mindset insights for accelerating your Tech Career that you just won’t find anywhere else! The insights in this toolkit are compiled from more than two decades of leading both High-Performing Tech Pros & Tech Teams!
Perhaps the most valuable insights packed into this toolkit are the "Insights From the C-suite." That’s right, we dive deep into the closed-door conversations with CEOs, CFOs, CHROs, and COOs that move and shape the organization. You'll get insights into the what, why, & how behind decisions big and small!
In this companion to the Achiever’s Mindset Toolkit, you’ll go deep as we examine Value creation from a different perspective. TRULY UNDERSTANDING VALUE AND HOW TO LEVEL-UP YOUR VALUE CREATION MIGHT JUST BE THE BIGGEST GAME CHANGER FOR YOUR TECH CAREER....PERIOD!
This toolbox and the accompanying video will explain in detail why Value is the fuel that drives IT organizations in non-IT companies & how you should be thinking about value in your career.
You’ll learn the real difference between augmenting business value and creating business value and how to carve out your role in the process.
Purpose is never created.
Purpose doesn’t need to be “found” because it was never lost.
You don’t have to “figure out” your purpose, it’s already inside of you!
This Masterclass will give you a new and probably different perspective on purpose. Then we focus on the insights, tools, and exercises that if applied will help you “uncover” your purpose. I say “uncover” because so often our purpose is literally covered up by layers and layers of life, demands, obligations, expectations, wants, hopes, and tons of other stuff that obscures, confuses, and confounds our true purpose.
Hold on tight! This Masterclass will give you the tools and strategies to unleash the Purpose and ignite that fire once again!!
The Tech Collective is where like-minded Tech Pros come together to interact, learn, experience, and share their experiences, ask questions, get support, and find meaning in the midst of their Career Acceleration journey.
You'll hear from and interact with Clifton on a variety of meaningful subjects, get pinpoint insights and recommendations, as well as interact with each other!
This is a one-of-a-kind community where everyone supports and encourages the journey for mutual success.
This Members Only podcast “The Tech Collective” brings you exclusive strategies, insights, and tools wrapped up in candid, conversation-styled messages that you can consume anywhere, anytime.
The episodes are purposefully concise but packed full of useful and actionable information designed to get your Tech Career moving in the right direction FAST!
"Clifton's Tech Career Accelerator gave me many tools and the confidence to change how I thought, felt and approached my work each day. It was like shining a light on the path! I was able to follow the path and just a few short months later it happened...I got my first real promotion and the raise to go with it! I still can't believe how insanely simple the framework actually is!"
"It was almost like getting the chance to start over with my job. The Tech Career Accelerator showed me a new way of thinking about my role, my company, and even my manager. I 've learned the keys to earning respect and winning opportunities! Just walking into a conference room feels different now.
The Tech Career Accelerator has changed my life! I feel unstoppable."
"Before the Tech Career Accelerator, I had the same role on the same team for over 6 years. I was frustrated and bored. Clifton's teachings opened my eyes and showed me what I could do to take control of my career. I learned how to increase the value I deliver and get excited about work again! I've been promoted twice already this year! Thank you, Clifton!"
Worth Of 'PURE' Career Acceleration Information For FREE (Just For Saying 'Maybe'!)
I Wanted To Do Whatever It Took To
Listen, I know these teachings can transform any career virtually overnight. That's why I'm not holding back and throwing in MORE high-level Career Acceleration material... completely FREE!
This is a must have for Tech Pros looking to rapidly ascend their career!
The book brings to light the most impactful reporting strategies available to highlight your wins, communicate improvement, and deliver results in a manner that is both actionable and memorable to the consumer.
These time-tested and proven reporting techniques will give you the advantage and help you demonstrate next-level capabilities and thought leadership.
Nothing says, “I am ready for more…” quite like being able to deliver highly-effective, clear but concise, informative and actionable communications to any audience.
It’s a skill that can be transformative for your Tech career and magnify the value others perceive in you.
This eBook is designed with that precise objective.
This eBook is perhaps my favorite of all.
In this book, readers will learn some of the most impactful and useful SECRETS I’ve collected over the course of my 25-year Tech career covering topics such as:
You’ll want to refer back to this eBook over and over again...
Everything you'll receive comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee! If within the first 30-days you're not completely satisfied with your subscription, I will refund your full purchase price less any shipping and handling costs, and the bonuses and gifts are yours to keep.
Yes, you read that right. There's no need for you to return anything. Simply drop me an email or dial the number provided on your receipt, and your money will be refunded without question.
Plus, if you ever decide to stop your subscription you are free to cancel at any moment and still enjoy the everything we've sent your way! No questions asked, except, “What could I have done more effectively to help you meet your goal?”
We've got your back, always! We know career acceleration and advancement can be tricky, like solving a challenging puzzle alone...
So, if you're puzzled about how to use your learning resources or need a hand advancing, our team is ready and waiting. Just send them an email, and you'll get an answer in no time – well, in 24 hours at most!
Say goodbye to feeling like you're on a solo mission, always wondering, "Am I doing this right?" We're on team YOU, cheering you on every step, because your win is our win. That's our promise.
Because I know this stuff works! I've lived it and taught others to use it successfully for years!
This advice worked to help G.C. become the CIO of a $2+ billion company... and it's worked for countless other tech pros across across a variety of industries! and IT WILL WORK FOR YOU TOO!
Although this program is new in its current form, the principles, insights, lessons, and activities that make up this program have seen tremendous results over the years. For example, as a mentor, encourager, and teacher, I worked with a gentlemen we'll call "G.C." for several years and through multiple positions as he ascended through his organization. From report writer, to SQL developer, App Dev leader, to VP of IT, G.C. now sits in the C-suite and leads a large team of Tech Pros on a journey of excellence. The insights I offered him about the inner workings of the C-suite were the difference maker for him. Because of the information, advice, and guidance I gave him, he was able to successfully navigate the dynamics in the room and the “tests” the CEO threw at him.
Imagine if you used just ONE piece of tactical advice I have to offer...and you begin to see positive results in your career almost instantly.
How much would just ONE piece of trajectory altering advice be worth to you?
$10,000...? $25,000...? $50,000...? or more??
Well, today, all you have to say is "maybe" and the bonuses are yours... for FREE!
From here it's just finalizing the details and getting your gifts ready to be delivered!
Click on the button below right now, begin your subscription, and we can finally get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I can't wait to get our new member welcome package into your hands!
Talk soon,
Clifton Nelson
All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm sending you my three CIO Secrets eBooks for FREE, when you join the Tech Pros Career Accelerator today!
You'll also get a FREE subscription to the "CIO Short Report Newsletter" for FREE (Normally $497 per year) when you sign up right now! Did you want to add the Bonuses as well?
Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the content and value provided - you can cancel your membership.
Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?! Signup for the Tech Pros Career Accelerator right now!
All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!
"The insights I gained into uncovering my purpose gave me a completely new level of motivation in my work. I've never experienced such clarity regarding my career! Where I want to go and more importantly WHY it's so important right now."
David B. - Redmond, WA
"When I joined The Tech Collective, I was very skeptical. I believed I had a vision for my career and a plan to get there. When Clifton told me I didn't need another certification, I almost walked away. I am so glad I didn't! In less than a year, I've ascended to a management role leading a talented app-dev team, and I know there's more to come!"
Austin, P. - Atlanta, GA
"I love the focus on collaborative engagement and applying seemingly simple concepts in ways I've never considered before. But I think the most valuable thing I've learned from Clifton's teaching so far is understanding that long-term career success is built upon many small victories over time, and small victories are a result of discipline and consistency."
Lanie D. - Philadelphia, PA
"When I began the Tech Career Accelerator membership, I was incredibly frustrated, with my company, with my boss and even my team. I interviewed for other companies and always seemed to get close but never get the offer. I felt like I was failing at every turn. The things I've learned about mindset, value, purpose, and learning have completely reshaped outlook and my future!"
Ed W. - Castlerock, CO
"I look forward to every new release of information, a toolset, the latest CIO Short Report, everything! The insights are great and I am on my way to my career goals!"
William S. - Dallas, TX
"Just 4 months in and I can already see the difference in how I am viewed by several members of the leadership team. I think the biggest change has been in the conversations I've participated in. It's feels amazing to be included and my opinion valued! Thanks Clifton, I want more of this!!
Evelyn Y. - Sarasota, FL
All You Have To Do Is Say, "MAYBE" And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!
A: As a member of The Tech Collective, you have unlimited access to the Tech Career Accelerator program. It is a program designed by Clifton Nelson, a Chief Information Officer who has spent the last two decades helping Tech Pros grow their careers. The program goes beyond generic advice by offering Tech career specific insights, strategies, and resources along with a one of a kind community of supportive and like-minded Tech Pros who are chasing very similar dreams!
A: One of the most elegant characteristics of the Tech Career Accelerator membership is that the four pillars of the program are common for us all. The uniqueness of The Tech Career Accelerator is the ease with which the Success Path fits to your personal needs. The Success Path is time-tested and proven effective and addresses exactly what you need through a comprehensive set of training, exercises, and introspection that make the program very specific to your situation.
A: The Tech Career Accelerator Success Path will teach you how to earn the respect you deserve. You will focus on building your professional brand through the development and exercise of very specific skills including communications, influence, and leadership. This all sits squarely on the sound foundation of four pillars: mindset, value, purpose, and learning.
A: Absolutely! Our exclusive community, The Tech Collective, allows for networking and collaboration opportunities. Additionally, we offer monthly virtual training sessions with opportunities to share experiences and learn together, as well as, provide opportunities to connect with me personally and other experts from time to time.
A: My commitment to your success does not stop when you join! You’ll have access to ongoing coaching, mentorship, information, and resources to help you succeed quickly. But you can always progress at a pace that is comfortable for you. I would challenge you, however, big dreams require big action, so make the decision to do what it takes, today!
A: While individual results vary, I am committed to your success. This program is time-tested and proven effective, and we’ll work diligently to give you the strategies, tools and resources you need to make the Tech career you deserve. This is not an overnight success program! It takes diligent, consistent effort…but you can do it and I’ll be here to support you and celebrate your victories along the way!
A: Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We adhere to strict confidentiality standards, and any personal or sensitive information you share will be kept strictly confidential in accord with our Privacy Policy and used solely for the purposes of serving you more effectively.
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